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【Research Report】What factors influence video game addiction

Abstract: In modern society, with the development of science and technology, large numbers of young people have high enthusiasm for video games. Therefore, this article mainly discusses what is the main reason for the addiction of video games, with a specific focus on the escape from reality to the virtual world. The data in this report were sampled and randomly selected from 113 participants of different genders, ages and countries. The purpose of this article is to explore the key factors that lead to the indulging of video games. The purpose of this article is to examine the key factors that influence the addiction of video games and to determine whether virtual reality for online shopping is the most important one. The results of the report illustrate the virtual world is the main reason for most players who addicted to video games. In general, a large number of people are trying to escape because of the excessive pressure in reality, and the virtual world created by video games is the best choice. Introduction In recent years, there are a large number of people who are addicted to video games, which becomes more and more popular in modern society. Game is changing every day, from the publish of the first meaningful real game “Spacewar!” in 1960s to the modern virtual games like “Battlefield V” or “The Legend of Zelda of the Wild”, it is easy to find out that video games are developing much faster than movies, music or drama. With its own growing, video games have gradually changed their meaning for people, from a way of killing time to an artistic expression or a new sports event. The main factor that will cause people become addicted to video games is the design of the game itself and its operating model, such as game reward and the sense of honor in multiplayer games. Another point is the contingency in the game. The principle is like gambling, such examples included the contingency of the game itself and the game business model. Furthermore, the individual factors have also influenced people on addiction to video games, for example, to escape from the reality to a virtual world. The first section mainly introduces the modern video games and discusses the “Game reward”. “The two types of games that have the largest market, longest life and the most players right now are the massive multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) and massively multiplayer online first-person shooter (MMOFPS) (Young 1998)”. Ng and Wiemer-Hastings (2005) have indicated that the player's characters advance need to rise their level, which called "leveling up". Most of games’ playing cyccle is by collecting valuables and weapons to become wealthier and stronger. Based around the work of BF Skinner (1983), who has discovered that people could control behavior by training subjects with simple stimulus and reward. Like the "Skinner Box" he invented, which is a cage containing a small animal, for example, presses a lever to get food pellets. This theory is suitable for most of the current video games. Game developers are very smart in taking advantage of the animal nature of people, which is storing and collecting items. Players are as the small animal in the “Skinner Box”, they must repeat one thing again and again to reach a certain level or win a special item. One excellent example is “Grand Theft Auto Online”. If the player wants to buy an item in the game, they need to constantly drive the vehicle to run around in this virtual game to win the game currency. Interestingly, players will soon get tired of this pattern, but they will continue to sit in front of a computer and keep doing repetitive actions to achieve their desired goals. In general, Game Rewards is the main reason for people to attract by video games. Followed by the Game Rewards is the sense of honor in the game. For the sense of honor in the game including numerous aspects, such as grade, segment, virtual medal, rare items, etc. When people are playing the game, they can obtain extrinsic motivators such as praise from others, money, or gifts (Lepper Greene & Nisbett 1973), famed (Deci 1971; Deci et al. 1991). Such as today's virtual goods have already linked to physical currency, like some rare items that players can get auctions after they had it. According to Steam gaming platform(2018), the virtual items “dragon lore” in “Counter-Strike: global Offensive” sells for up to $45,000. That's why the highest court in South Korea ruled that virtual goods are to be legally treated as same as real goods. DC. Wong (2010) has pointed out virtual goods are now a $5 billion industry worldwide. Therefore, players can also trade items to get more money while immersivity playing games. On the other hand, some people may be unsatisfied with their life because their work or their environment, but in the virtual world, they are possible to become an "expert" to help the new players to get familiar with a new virtual world including articles, videos and even build a player team. Thence, social interaction in RPGs and FPS is highly essential, as players might co-operation in the game to succeed in reaching more complex goals and sometimes they may need to join a "group" or "junto" of other players to advance in the game(Ng and Wiemer-Hastings 2005). For these virtual glory, goods and currency, it has to be mention here for the virtual reality and the openness of this field. Virtual reality has been with us for millennia in the form of imagination, literature, theater, and more recently, radio, film, and television. However, “the modern definition of virtual reality has come to mean a computer-mediated, multisensory experience, one designed to trick our senses and convince us that we are ‘in another world’ (Glenn 1994)”. According to expert Malcolm Gladwell (2008), the main reason of people addicted in another world need three things: Autonomy, Complexity, Connection Between Effort and Reward. Coincidentally, these are just three aspects that people expect in their real life to work or study, but only few people can get it. Therefore, in order to escape from real life, a large number of people subconsciously choose to follow the three laws of Malcolm Gladwell – they are trying to find the satisfaction gained from those three things but elsewhere and that happens to be virtually.. For instance, some of the open world games, like “Grand Theft Auto” that give players free space to play independently; they can do whatever they want because there is no laws or moral bondage. Players can chose to kill people, rob the bank, and illegally drive and etc in this virtual world, and they will even be rewarded by doing such things. Although, a part of the scene appears to be brutal and insane, it has to admit that some contents in this game are full of challenges and skills, which is another reason that the complexity of game also attracts players. Why can players do a boring thing for a long time to reach their desired goals? The answer is uncertainty. “Contingency affects how extrinsic motivators undermine intrinsic motivation. Since noncontingent rewards are likely to undermine intrinsic motivation, they are given without regard to whether a task is completed well or at all (Deci, 1972b; Eisenberger & Cameron, 1996)”. The uncertainty in the game can be divided into two types: Luck ingredients during play and game gambling mechanism. The previous one is mainly reflected in the MMOFPS game. If the two players are at the same level skill, each person have 50% chance to win, so the decisive factor is luck. This kind of game mode skillfully combines the player level with personal luck, therefore, there is a larger number of people who crazy enjoy the FPS games. On the other hand, game gambling mechanism is a pure gamble. “The Belgian Gaming Commission has determined that randomized loot boxes in at least three games count as "games of chance," and publishers could therefore be subject to fines and prison sentences under the country's gaming legislation (Orland, 2018)”. Players need to buy virtual products in real money, such as the boxes in CS: GO, each box with key is worth about 3$, and the value of the random item they get after opening is around 0.1$ to 10000$. In almost 99% of those cases, the player will get less than 3$, but still there are so many players crazy about “box opening”. From the information mentioned above, there are many factors that will influence people addicted in video games. Therefore, the purpose of this research report is to investigate how certain elements are associated with video game addiction. It hypothesized that people will be more immersed in virtual games because of the pressure in real life. The methods for collecting data, as well as explanations and discussions of the results, recommendations for future research. Word Count:1307 Method Due to special reasons, this experiment requires people with certain game experience to answer. Therefore, the first step is to translate all the original Google votes into Chinese and upload them to the Tencent Voting site in China, ensuring that Blibili GTA Community (BGC) personnel can vote using voting site which is allowed in China. Next step is to retrieve the questionnaire and re-translate it back to English. In this study, a quantitative method is used to allow participants to fill out Google Forms and Tencent forms online, which makes it easier to get data from the sample. The survey includes the following factors: rewards in the game, sense of honor that the game brings to the player, virtual reality experience and game gambling. Because of the particularity of the problem, all participants in the study were gamers from the International Education Service (IES) and BGC, and most of the participants were young Asians. The questionnaire is designed to protect the privacy of respondents because it does not require any personal information. Although the data was successfully collected from the participants, there are still problems that cause the results to be inaccurate. The first is that the number of participants is still too small to be used as a sample size. In addition, it might not be transferable to other populations and there’s an inability to generalize with the data. For young Asian people that data would in fact be very accurate. Interpretation of Results Question 10 is mainly about the participants' views on game rewards.

· When comparing people who have different game playing times, there are different responses to game rewards, as the chart shown above. When asked whether the participants like game reward such as “leave up”, a large majority answers are strongly agree (35%) or agree (43%). The remaining were neutral (20%) for this statement. · The game time is kept at less than 10 hours and more than 40 hours per one-week crowd all have positive answers. And there are only less than ten percent people’s game time no more than 2 hours and between 10 hours to 40 hours per one-week have negative answer. Therefore, we can see that most people like the game upgrade this kind of reward mechanism regardless of the time of playing games. Questions 9 asked the participants if they are interested in sense of honor in the game. · It is nearly same as the last question, when asked whether sense of honor in the game, there are only two negative answers for question 10; The answers from a large number of people are strongly agree or agree. Others are neutral for this statement.

· According to the table above, the data of the E-sport is relatively similar to the Drama Games. Nearly half of the people have an agree view of the game’s sense of honor. About one-third of people strongly support this view, others choose neutral. Therefore, the game addiction may be related to people's pursuit of honor. Question 12-13 mainly about participants' views on virtual reality and virtual world. · From the data in question 12, only five percent people have positive opinion for the virtual reality and virtual world, which means most people will choose to use the virtual world to relax and relieve stress because of the various pressures of reality. · The question 13 data shows that there are about 27% people disagree with escape from the real world and immerse themselves in a virtual world. Therefore, many people choose to use the virtual world escaped because they need to face a lot of tricky things in the real world.

The chart shows that the participants most agree with escape from the real world and immerse themselves in a virtual world. On the other hand, some people who prefer to use the scattered time to play games oppose this view, however it is only about 8%. Which follows that both the scattered time and the Ample time agree with the virtual world immersive experience. Question 16 and 17 mainly discussing whether game gambling is a cause of addictive games. · The data shows that 29% of people will try to gamble because of the influence by other people game gambling. · The form mainly investigates whether age is related to game gambling.

Through this chart, it can be seen that the main group likes game gambling is 18-24 years old, and the number of people who agree with the opinion reaches 33%, far exceeding the sum of the other people who agree with the game gambling. And for the objection, under 18 years old people is basically the same as over 25 years old people. The main reason perhaps is that people under the 18-age group do not have a lot of money for the games. For the group including 18-24 age most are college students and those who just have jobs, because they have a certain economic foundation, they may choose to try game gambling. Discussion This research report aimed to investigate the main factors that indulge in video games. It is speculated that escaping from the pressure of reality and choosing to immerse in the virtual world is the most important factor for video game addiction. The research results were consistent with its hypothesis. With the advancement of the technology industry, the virtual reality has developed rapidly in recent years. In order to attract more players, many game companies have launched various games about the virtual world. “Feeling under pressure impacts our physical, emotional, and psychological wellbeing”(America Psychology Association,2018,P6). Players can choose to immersive experience which can escape the pressures and worries from the real world. From the results of the survey, most people have positive views for this hypothesis. Video game designer Erin Hoffman (2009) mentioned perfectly: "Addiction is not about what you do, but what you do not want to do, because of the replacement of the addictive behavior." When people encounter difficulties, the first consideration is to escape, and the virtual world is the best choice. according to Malcolm Gladwell, to be satisfied with a work people need three things at least: Autonomy, Complexity, Connection Between Effort and Reward (Ping 2009). Virtual reality gives people a near-real world, but people can do whatever they want in that world. “This is what most of us don't get in everyday life--quick, tangible rewards. It's less about instant gratification and more about a freaking sense of accomplishment (Wong, 2010).” As one participant’s answer in my last question: It may be to make up for the defects in real life and the desire to be completed. So it is better to say that the heart has found a real destination not the to be addictive. These factors lead to the sense of honor in the game becoming an important reason for the addiction of the game. However, there are a large number of people are addicted to the game because of the sense of honor that the game brings to the players. As mentioned in the introduction, the game honor is not only brought by the game itself, but a large part comes from other people. Through the last question of the previous questionnaire, many people are addicted to the game because they are a very mediocre person in normal life, however in the games community, they can be a well-known person. This finding can be agreed by the research of Gamson (2000), the Internet drastically lowers the barriers to entry for would-be celebrities. Becoming an “Internet celebrity” will enable these people to experience the sense of honor that cannot be experienced in real life and the role of being a leader. Another aspect is that when some people encounter setbacks or dilemmas, there are few people will care or help them. So the only venting object is the friends in the game, because they don't know each other real identity, which can help them to talk with no concerns. It matched the point of view from Deci (1991) and deCharms (1968), Intrinsic motivators come from within ourselves which including curiosity and exploration, a sense of belonging, autonomy. In addition, most of the results are consistent with the hypothesis, there is still a contradiction in the assumption of game gambling. The uncertainty in the game gambling perhaps is another reason that people are addicted to the game, however the results of the survey were slightly different. Most people maintain a neutral opinion on this question because many people may have lost some money because of game gambling. But the interesting thing is that, “The importance of positive fantasies can be understood as a chaotic mechanism between those who face problems and those who lack happiness when pursuing happiness (Parke et al., 2007)”. People will produce a wrong impression, illusion that they will be the next winner especially when someone around them wins a prize, they will be more likely to try, the best example is the Casino. Therefore, game gambling may be one of the factors that affect game addiction. This report is intended to investigate what factor influence video games addiction. Through the research, the hypothesis is similar to the research results. Immersed in virtual reality to alleviate the pressure of reality is the main factor of the game addiction. Word Count: 723 Conclusions and Recommendations This study aimed to investigate what factors influence video games addiction. According to the results, there is ample evidence appears that addiction is the mainly because it relies on the pressure of reality and chooses to immerse in the virtual world. And game rewards and sense of honor in games are other important factors. Game gambling is not as useful as other factors. The results aligned with hypothesis. However, as stated above addiction is common in video game players because of the information provided in the results is not necessarily accurate. Therefore, this study still needs to continue, future research could investigations and research to provide more data. Reference list: (Introduction) Cartwright, G. F. 1994, [Accessed 27 Aug. 2018] Mar. Virtual or real? the mind in cyberspace. The Futurist. Retrieved from Chien Chou; Ming-Chun Hsiao. Internet addiction, usage, gratification, and pleasure experience: the Taiwan college students' case, Computers & Education Vol. 35, No. 1, (Aug 2000): 65-80. Chin-Sheng, W. & Wen-Bin Chiou 2007. THE MOTIVATIONS OF ADOLESCENTS WHO ARE ADDICTED TO ONLINE GAMES: A COGNITIVE PERSPECTIVE.Adolescence, Vol.42 No.165, 179-97. Retrieved from Choi, D. and Kim, J 2004. Why People Continue to Play Online Games: In Search of Critical Design Factors to Increase Customer Loyalty to Online Contents. 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Appendix A What factors influence video game addiction Invitation to Participate in Research Investigator: John (Hanyue Wang) – IES College Foundation Year - Academic English (AE) student You are invited to participate in a research study that investigates opinions regarding video game addiction. This information outlines the intention of the researc h and requirements of your involvement, should you choose to participate. Please read this sheet carefully and be confident that you have understood the information prior to agreeing to participate. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the investigator via (email). What is this study about? This study is a designed to Game reward, Honor, Escape from the real world and gambol. Ethics & Privacy Statement Approval for this research was granted by the class teacher during drafting consultations. Completion and submission of this questionnaire indicates your informed consent. All responses are anonymous. Should you have any concerns about ethics or your participation in the research, please feel free to contact IES Head of Academic English. Note: The researcher involved in this project is an international student preparing for tertiary entrance, pending their successful completion of the Foundation Year. To this end, the researcher has had little formal research training. What factors influence video game addiction What factors influence video game addiction 1. Age * Mark only one oval. <18 18-25 >25 2. Gender Mark only one oval. Male Female Other:

3. Region you are from Mark only one oval. North America South America Europe Oceania Africa Asia South East Asia Middle East Other: 4. Highest completed education level Mark only one oval. Middle School High School University Master's Degree PHD Other: 5. How many hours do you play in a week? Mark only one oval. <2 hours 3-5 Hours 5-10 Hours 10-20 Hours 20-40 Hours 40-100 Hours >100 Hours Other: 6. When do you usually play the games (for example: weekdays 8PM-10PM, and whole day on weekends) 7. Are you more inclined to find a time to sit down and start playing games or play games in scattered time? Mark only one oval. Ample time scattered time

8.Which type of games do you prefer? Mark only one oval. Dramadevelop games Tomb RaiderGTAFinal fantasy competitive games/ E-sport ( CS:GO, LOL, Dota2, R6,WOT)

9.When I win the game, I will enjoy the feeling of victory. Mark only one oval. Agree Just so so Disagree I don't care about the results, I care more about the process. Other: 10.I really like to unlock new items by “Level Up”, or try to get more valuable equipment by personal effort. Mark only one oval. Agree Just so so Disagree I don't care about “Level Up” or better equipment, I just enjoy the game Other: 11. When I get a rare or expensive item, I like to show it to my companions. Mark only one oval. Agree Neutral Disagree Other: 12. When life is stressful, I will choose to immerse myself in virtual reality to relax. Mark only one oval. Agree Neutral Disagree Other: 13. When I facing a lot of tricky things, I will choose to escape from the real world and immerse myself in a virtual world. (such as reading novels, watching movies, or playing games) Mark only one oval. Agree Neutral Disagree Other:

14. When I indulged in a novel, film or game, I will often recall the contents for a long time. * Mark only one oval.





15. I really like the game gambling (swap card, out of the box) mechanism. Mark only one oval.





16. When someone gets an expensive item in gambling, I will go gambling along with it, even if I know that is impossible for me.

Mark only one oval.





17. I think that the addiction of the drama game is a normal thing, just like immersing in the novel, in the plot of the movie.

Mark only one oval.




18. Why do you think many people will be addicted to the game?

19. Which games platforms do you usually play?(Multiple selection Tick all that apply.

Mobile Game



PS2, PS3, PS4

Xbox 360, Xbox One





Appendix B

<18 -46

18-24 -60

25-30 -6

Male - 110

Female – 3

Asia – 107

Europe – 1

Oceania – 2

North America – 2

High School – 43

Middle School – 13

University – 51

Master's Degree – 5

<2 Hours 12

2-5 -19

5-10 – 17

10-20 – 28

20-40 – 15

40-100 - 4

>100 – 7

Drama,develop games – 77

competitive games/ E-sport - 35

Ample time – 66

scattered time – 46

Strongly Agree - 36

Agree – 55

Neutral – 21

Strongly Agree - 39

Agree - 48

Neutral - 22

Disagree - 3

Strongly Disagree - 0

Strongly Agree - 37

Agree - 50

Neutral - 23

Disagree -1

Strongly Disagree -1

Strongly Agree - 34

Agree - 39

Neutral - 33

Disagree - 3

Strongly Disagree – 3

Strongly Agree - 18

Agree - 29

Neutral - 35

Disagree - 23

Strongly Disagree – 7

Strongly Agree – 22

Agree - 46

Neutral - 36

Disagree - 8

Strongly Disagree -22

Strongly Agree - 1

Agree - 11

Neutral - 48

Disagree – 27

Strongly Disagree – 25

Strongly Agree – 3

Agree - 9

Neutral - 33

Disagree - 36

Strongly Disagree – 31

Strongly Agree 18%

Agree - 46

Neutral - 29

Disagree - 17

Strongly Disagree - 2

Appendix C

Questionnaire (Results by Game types)

Factors that influence game addiction

9.When I win the game, I will enjoy the feeling of victory.


drama Games

Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree



10. I really like to unlock new items by “Level Up”, or try to get more valuable equipment by personal effort.


drama Games

Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree



11.When I get a rare or expensive item, I like to show it to my companions.


drama Games

Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree



12.When life is stressful, I will choose to immerse myself in virtual reality to relax.


drama Games

Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree



13.When I facing a lot of tricky things, I will choose to escape from the real world and immerse myself in a virtual world.


drama Games

Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree



14.When I indulged in a novel, film or game, I will often recall the contents for a long time.


drama Games

Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree



15.I really like the game gambling (swap card, out of the box) mechanism.


drama Games

Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree



16.When someone gets an expensive item in gambling, I will go gambling along with it, even if I know that is impossible for me.


drama Games

Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree



17.I think that the addiction of the drama game is a normal thing, just like immersing in the novel, in the plot of the movie.


drama Games

Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree



Appendix D

Questionnaire (Results by playing games tends to be piecemeal or overall time)

Factors that influence video games addiction

6.Which type of game do you prefer?

Ample time

scattered time

Drama,develop games



competitive games/ E-sport



9.When I win the game, I will enjoy the feeling of victory.

Ample time

drama Games

Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree



10. I really like to unlock new items by “Level Up”, or try to get more valuable equipment by personal effort.

Ample time

drama Games

Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree



11.When I get a rare or expensive item, I like to show it to my companions.

Ample time

drama Games

Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree



12.When life is stressful, I will choose to immerse myself in virtual reality to relax.

Ample time

drama Games

Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree



13.When I facing a lot of tricky things, I will choose to escape from the real world and immerse myself in a virtual world.

Ample time

drama Games

Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree



14.When I indulged in a novel, film or game, I will often recall the contents for a long time.

Ample time

drama Games

Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree



15.I really like the game gambling (swap card, out of the box) mechanism.

Ample time

drama Games

Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree



16.When someone gets an expensive item in gambling, I will go gambling along with it, even if I know that is impossible for me.

Ample time

drama Games

Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree



Open Question and answers

Why do you think many people will be addicted to the game?

No self-control

There is no reason to play the game and why? You are too tired to live.

It's fun

Because the game is very fun

It may be to make up for the defects in real life and the desire to be completed. Said to be addictive, it is better to say that the heart has found a real destination


The virtual world has the thrill of not being experienced by the real world. People who are not in contact with the real world have no real pressure to relax.

Maybe there are some things in the real world, it’s better in the game.

Some games are good enough, all aspects

Of course, first determine that the game is no problem, the problem lies in the person, the insulting game caused by poor self-control ability!

Life is the same


There may be some people who may not be noticed in real life, and the game can easily gain a sense of accomplishment and enough attention. I think that loving games is very different from indulging games.

Want to escape from reality



Because the game can make people slow down

Because everyone has their own hobbies, or because something spurs a person's hobby and is addicted to it.

Insufficient self-control and blame the game

Don't know the skin

Real life is really tired, sometimes you need to play the game as a vent.

Modern people's life pressure is getting bigger and bigger, different from their parents' age. At the same time, there are fewer family children. Parents will have high hopes for their children with consciousness or unconsciousness. This will lead to increasing pressure on children, although many people do not realize it. This, but it is, so people will choose to escape to a place where they can open the perspective of God and can archive and return.

Plot, production, play

The joy of winning the game and the sense of accomplishment

Because it is out of reality.

The quality of the game itself is superior; or these people have not played any games

You can experience things that the real world can't do.

Because nothing is done

The game is wonderful in reality and focuses on some angles.

The game will give people a sense of success that is greater than the success of life. They will meet people in many different regions and understand them and gain a sense of identity. This is something that cannot be done in life.

The contrast between reality and the thrill of the game creates a strong contrast that leads to addiction

This is the era. There are so many games. In fact, it is not so much addictive to games as to escape from reality. Most people have a bad time in reality, the game is the best vent point. But there are also people who play games as a profession. For them, games are not just entertainment, but also part of growth. At least I think so, I also want them to be like them. The game is a dangerous thing in the eyes of many parents. In fact, it is just a form of entertainment. There is no absolute addiction. As long as the parents are well educated and the individual has self-control, I think most people will not indulge in the game.

Brought deep into the story/has invested a lot of money or energy/games that are appealing

Time planning is too bad, can't divide small goals... well, it's me

The cost of game entertainment is low, but the satisfaction or sense of accomplishment of the harvest is relatively high.

Interesting, attractive

Escape from reality and get things that are not available in reality

The game has an experience that is not in reality.

Because their self-control is not strong, people who love games will not cherish their bodies.

The "quietness" brought by the game is timely, and "addiction" is just an over-concentrated performance. It is easy to play a story-type game for one day.

Find things that don't exist in reality and satisfy your heart in the game

Pressure of life

Because there is money in the game, there is not so much money in life.

There are too many gaps between reality and ideals

The plot is really easy to indulge in unlocking new items.


Looking for spiritual sustenance; physical addiction; escaping from real life.

There is no way to relax the pressure of life now. This is to force people to die.

Self-control is not strong

Because the gap between reality and dream is too great, and the lack of personal ability causes them to change their reality. They can only go to the world that suits them and become a resident of the virtual world.

There are mines at home

Some people are in order to escape the reality of dissatisfaction, and some are passionate about a certain game, deeply attracted to it.

An exciting story game in which a competitive game can quickly bring victory (or let others admit it) can enable you to start a life in another identity and make people fall into it.

Simple, self-control problem

Real life is too skinny, and you enter yourself into the game content and life to gain realism and pleasure.

because the stories are interactive

Maybe because of the joy and entertainment

Because games can bring me a lot of things that I can't get or don't have in my life

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